Circle of Giving


Dear Families, Friends, and Faculty of Bridgeview Montessori,    

October 31, 2023

Dear Families and Friends of Bridgeview Montessori School,     

I write this year’s letter with great excitement. For the first time in Bridgeview Montessori School’s history, our Board of Trustees includes a Bridgeview Montessori graduate! With100% unanimous approval, the Board welcomed Paul Manganella… 20 years after he attended Bridgeview Montessori School. When we interviewed Paul, he referenced how important his social and academic learning at Bridgeview was during his young and formative years. He became excited to learn while always feeling supported. He remembers feeling a mutual respect with his peers and teachers and having fun while exploring materials and works.  He continued his academic success and career but is always reminded of the impact Bridgeview Montessori had on his development.  

Now is the time we kick off the 2023-2024 Circle of Giving Annual Fund. Our goal is 100% participation from the board of trustees, the Bridgeview Montessori faculty, and our Bridgeview Montessori families. Last year we hit 100% with the trustees and faculty and realized a 97% participation rate from our families. Every donation, from a few dollars to the leadership levels of $250 or more, means something.  What is most important to us in strengthening our community is participation. If you are able to donate, please do!  

Your generosity last year allowed us to make significant enhancements to improve our learning environment. This included installing an emergency generator for sump pumps and lighting. We addressed some overdue infrastructure issues, including our roofing, parking lot, and stormwater management. We continued our technology upgrades throughout the classrooms, replacing computers and tablets. This year we plan to begin replacing our carpets and enhancing other parts of the interior. As we have said for many years, like a home, our school needs repairs and updates, both indoors and out. We have lists and carefully make decisions each year to ensure maximum impact for our students and faculty. Without your generosity, these repairs and improvements would not be possible.  

For all of your efforts in the many ways you give, we thank you!

Warm Regards,

Pete Seward

President, Bridgeview Montessori Board of Trustees

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill 

You may also donate by submitting cash or check made payable to Bridgeview Montessori School to Suzanne Lawson, Assistant Head of School. Thank you.

Monetary donations are tax-deductible. Your company may match any gifts you contribute to our school— ask your HR professional for details. Gifts-in-kind such as computer equipment, property, physical fitness equipment, etc., are welcome.

Spiral Illustration: Sandy Nickerson