Movement Breaks and the Like: Montessori Knew It All Along!

Movement Breaks and the Like: Montessori Knew It All Along!

This article reminds us that purposeful movement is a fundamental building block for our children’s growth and development. Maria Montessori knew this when she was practicing and creating her pedagogy, and we know it here at Bridgeview Montessori. We are seeing a shift toward movement and occupational therapy in our public schools as well. I am always struck by just how much Maria Montessori understood about how children learn.

A Circle of Giving Thank You from Two Board Members

Dear Bridgeview Montessori Community,

Wow, what a year the 2019-20 academic year was, and our community lived up to our Mission Statement: 

At Bridgeview Montessori School, we learn to dig deep.

And, we all fully embraced our core values: 

  • We cultivate creative process

  • We grow empowered and resilient people

  • We hold community close

Your loyalty and trust in the school under the leadership of Sandy was fully appreciated. Your Circle of Giving support and generous gifts allowed the school to shift and readjust to the needs of our students and faculty. These contributions will continue to allow us to keep the school a place where your children thrive. 

Many thanks,

Ann E. Wolf

Board President & Alumni Parent


From a parent’s perspective, I couldn’t have been happier and prouder of the entire Bridgeview Team. I believe most people would agree that our school community was not designed for remote learning, and yet I couldn’t believe how quickly the faculty rallied to create and capitalize on the biggest curve ball you could ever throw at them. They even held fast to Art, school plays, physical fitness and other enrichment activities when other schools fell short. I haven’t heard of any other local schools where the teachers made regular deliveries to the homes of their students to ensure productive weeks. This kind of grit is the same that many of you have shown in your continued support of our Annual Circle of Giving. With our collective determination and willingness to do our parts, we can have confidence that Bridgeview Montessori will always provide a robust learning environment.

Thank You,   

Peter Seward

Board Vice President & Alumni Parent


Harmony Reigns

Harmony Reigns

A colleague just told me that Maria Montessori was the answer (or question as it were) in final Jeopardy last week. This got me to thinking once again about Montessori’s legacy. I wrote this poem a few years back, and I thought I would share it again now as it seems appropriate for this time in our history. When I wrote the piece, I was intrigued when I learned that Montessori and Mahatma Gandhi met to discuss peace. I sure so wish these visionaries were with us today. Suzanne Lawson