

Bridgeview Montessori School, located on beautiful Cape Cod at the base of the Sagamore Bridge, serves children 2.9 to 12 years old in our Children's House including Kindergarten, Elementary I and Elementary II. Adhering to the principles set out by Maria Montessori, we celebrate the individual and differentiate instruction to serve a range of learners. A small school by design with an average student/teacher ratio of 9:1, we can be organic and thoughtful about each and every thing we do.

In 2007 after having served the school as a teacher and Elementary Director since its inception, our current Head of School stepped into this leadership role with grace, willingness to learn, and a gift for bringing people together for one purpose. Her listening skills, patience, advocacy for the child and family, and resiliency make her an extraordinary leader for our great small school. Along with our Head, the small administrative faculty includes our Assistant Head and Director of Admissions, our Director of Children’s House, and our Administrative Assistant. With 50 years of collective Bridgeview tenure, this team helps build the scaffolding that supports us all in doing our very best work.

Our teachers are Montessori trained educators who have dedicated their professional lives to guiding students to be the best they can be, academically, socially, and emotionally. They collaborate with each other, they actively seek professional development, and they strive to create a family / school partnership for each individual who shakes their hands while entering our classrooms.

Our families are diverse. We have working parents, military parents, single parents, grandparents raising their grandchildren, and LGBTQI parents. Some parents apply for and receive financial aid; some parents pay full tuition. Some parents are familiar with independent school culture and Montessori specifically; some are new to Montessori and to private school. Some parents choose to have their children here from 2.9 through 12 years old, some see us as a preschool, and some come to us after having been disappointed with the traditional schooling provided by their towns. These varied backgrounds and experiences add to the richness of our community.

Central to this vibrant community are our students. Each individual who walks through our doors does so with the raw material needed to implant, grow and blossom in our environment. That student may be a math wizard, a dinosaur fan, an avid reader, a soon to be toilet trained two year old. In any case, these students learn what they are good at and learn where their growing edges are. ….. They become emboldened.

In a society where childhood can be rushed, technology is everywhere, and frenetic schedules are more the norm than the anomaly, Bridgeview Montessori is vital for those families and educators searching for that safe port in the storm. We have created an environment where everyone feels safe to do his or her best work and safe to share those growing edges that we all have. We know that if our passions are celebrated, we are freer to explore and improve our areas of weakness. We learn to ask for help and to receive help. We learn to give encouragement and support. We feel our importance and know we can make good choices. Our school grows as we as individuals grow.

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